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Yvette is the Community Director for Notable and The Quayle, Zocalo’s two affordable housing projects. With over a decade of dedicated experience in the affordable housing sector, Yvette brings a wealth of expertise and a proven history of effectively engaging stakeholders, delivering exceptional customer service, and adeptly managing risk within the framework of intricate funder and investor stipulations.

Most recently, Yvette oversaw operations and compliance for a diverse portfolio of affordable properties spanning across four states as a Regional Portfolio Manager. Prior to this, she served as a Developer, overseeing multiple real estate developments in various stages. Her tenure with the Colorado Division of Housing involved providing funding recommendations to the State Housing Board, contributing to the advancement of affordable housing on a statewide scale. Her earlier roles as Strategic Initiatives Manager and Compliance Specialist allowed her to gain expertise in navigating the compliance requirements of both federal and state funding sources, devising strategies for enhancing operational efficiency, and effectively managing substantial grant portfolios.

In her free time, Yvette enjoys live music, exploring new restaurants, or curling up with a good book and her Blue Russian cat, Eevee.